Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) basics explained

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) basics explained

Small footprint and modularity: the PGSTAT204 combines compactness with superior, research grade specifications.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy or EIS is a powerful technique for the characterisation of electrochemical systems.

The promise of EIS is that, with a single experimental procedure encompassing a sufficiently broad range of frequencies, the influence of the governing physical and chemical phenomena may be isolated and distinguished at a given applied potential.

In recent years, EIS has found widespread applications in the field of characterisation of materials.

It is routinely used in the characterisation of coatings, batteries, fuel cells, and corrosion phenomena. It has also been used extensively as a tool for investigating mechanisms in electro–deposition, electrodissolution, passivity, and corrosion studies.

It is gaining popularity in the investigation of diffusion of ions across membranes and in the study of semiconductor interfaces.

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