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The new Mira P for the pharmaceutical industry: Instant onsite verification of raw materials

The new Mira P for the pharmaceutical industry: Instant onsite verification of raw materials

The Mira P is fast, easy, and accurate helping users optimize the inspection of incoming goods, formulation verification, and process monitoring. Mira P for the pharmaceutical industry: Instant onsite verification of raw materials Metrohm is introducing the latest compliant handheld Raman solution for the pharmaceutical industry. Mira P offers enhanced...
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Professor Ho and his magic mirror

Professor Ho and his magic mirror

Stephanie is traveling the world throughout the year of 2018 as ambassador for Metrohm. She visited Professor Kuo-Chuan Ho who has been researching electrochromic materials at the National Taiwan University in Taipei since 1993. No, Professor Ho’s mirror doesn’t tell you who’s the fairest of all. Electrochromic materials Professor Kuo-Chuan...
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EQCM study of underpotentially deposited (UPD) lead adlayer on gold

EQCM study of underpotentially deposited (UPD) lead adlayer on gold

The Autolab Electrochemical Quartz Crystal Microbalance (EQCM) is an optional module for the Autolab PGSTAT which can be used to control a 6 MHz crystal oscillator. This technique can be used to perform electrogravimetric measurements with detection limits in the sub μg range. Immersion of a quartz-crystal oscillator in an electrolyte...
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Spectroelectrochemical measurements: one integrated solution

Spectroelectrochemical measurements: one integrated solution

Metrohm DropSens provides you with one instrument combining Light source (VIS-NIR: 360-2500 nm Tungsten halogen), a Spectrometer (Wavelength range: 900-2200 nm) and a Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat (± 4 V DC potential range, ± 40 mA maximum measurable current). All the components are perfectly fitted and synchronized, thus offering for the first time...
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Steam circuit monitoring in power plants

Steam circuit monitoring in power plants

Lowering costs and corrosion in one easy step Steam circuit monitoring in power plants The use of amines to control pH levels in water-steam circuits is a common practice. By controlling the pH, corrosion can be limited which in turn lowers down time. Minimising the cost of reagents By monitoring...
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Ion Chromatography. Analyse in minutes. Experience for a lifetime.

Ion Chromatography. Analyse in minutes. Experience for a lifetime.

Improve the analytical possibilities of your teaching laboratory Ion Chromatography – Faster than ever before Teaching Liquid Chromatography Time in teaching laboratories is short. With large numbers of students and limited hours in the lab, it is important to have fast analysis to give everyone an opportunity to experience the...
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Monitor multiple lubricating oil quality indicators with Vis-NIR and save on your oil change.

Monitor multiple lubricating oil quality indicators with Vis-NIR and save on your oil change

Lubricating oil plays a very important role in guaranteeing smooth and efficient functioning of machinery. However, these oils have a limited period of operation and need to be exchanged in regular intervals. Currently, the industry follows generalized oil change intervals with the disadvantage that exchanges are performed long before it...
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Automated sample preparation for halide analysis

Automated sample preparation for halide analysis

Analysis of mining and mineral samples does not need to be labor intensive. Mining and mineral samples, by their nature, contain high levels of transition metals, dust and particles as well as a wide range of analyte concentrations: all of the things that make life difficult when using a highly...
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Milling repeatable soil samples just got easier and faster!

Milling repeatable soil samples just got easier and faster!

The RS 300 XL disk mill has been designed for high throughput with less downtime.  The grinding sets are made in Germany to the highest standard, increasing wear resistance and stability.  The 4 place adapter holds 4 x 100 ml Tungsten Carbide grinding sets, for 1 step repeat sample milling....
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Water in food. Fast and accurate.

Water in food. Fast and accurate.

Karl Fischer titration provides the right result, fast. When water content is required, Karl Fischer is the technique required. Water influences profitability and taste Besides of taste and profitability the water content of foodstuff affects its weight, its look and texture and the shelf life. Food safety is also directly...
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Workshop Review: Food and Beverage Analysis in the Modern Laboratory

Workshop Review: Food and Beverage Analysis in the Modern Laboratory

Metrohm Australia has just conducted three well-attended workshops on food and beverage analysis in Barossa Valley, Mildura and Griffith focussing on the newest random access photometric analysers from Biosystems, pH and titration as well as sample preparation. Three more workshops will be held in October in Margaret River, Melbourne and...
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Complete homogenisation of complex samples. Meat, fruits or grains with ease!

Complete homogenisation of complex samples. Meat, fruits or grains with ease!

The diversity of foodstuffs with their often very different product properties represents a real challenge for food testing laboratories. Before the actual analysis, the sample materials – which can vary strongly with regards to hardness and moisture – need to be homogenized and reduced to a sufficiently small particle size....
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