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Cryomilling! Size reduction of your temperature sensitive samples with ease

Cryomilling! Size reduction of your temperature sensitive samples with ease

Cryomilling! Size reduction of your temperature sensitive samples with ease. A solid sample material should always be sufficiently prepared by size reduction andhomogenization before it is subjected to chemical or physical analysis. Care should be taken that the analysis sample fully represents the original material and that the sample preparation...
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The revolution in ultrafine grinding: Emax – faster, finer, cooler

The revolution in ultrafine grinding: Emax – faster, finer, cooler

The Emax is an entirely new type of ball mill which was specifically designed by RETSCH for high energy milling down to the nanometer scale. The impressive speed of 2,000 min-1, so far unrivaled in a ball mill, in combination with the special grinding jar design generates a vast amount...
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In-line filtration

In-line filtration

Every sample for Ion Chromatography analysis must be particle free. This means, almost, every sample needs filtration. While this can be performed manually, that leads to A) a sore thumb and B) a lot of filter cartridges. So let’s automate. Automating sample filtration saves our thumbs and lowers the time...
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Low level organic acid analysis

Low level organic acid analysis

Monitoring of individual organic acids with reverse suppression. Monitoring organic acids has been a tricky concept for a long time. As they are weak, to the point of non-dissociated, with a very low conductivity, separation and quantification has always been a headache. Yet monitoring of organic acids is important for...
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Monitoring for your Metrohm IC

Monitoring for your Metrohm IC

Keep an eye on your instrument, or let it do so for you! It has been mentioned here before, all instruments need to be looked after. But when should we intervene? With Metrohm IC, all of the primary components are monitored by the system. Columns, pumps and detectors all monitor...
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Acrylamide in potato chips

Acrylamide in potato chips

The suitability of a potato to be used in chips/fries depends on the reducing sugars content (mainly glucose). The sugars lead to browning according to the Maillard reaction. Simultaneously the acrylamide amount increases. Maximum acceptable levels of reducing sugars depend on the end product. Enzymatic monitoring of reducing sugars in...
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Automated Interference-free Determination of Total Sulphites in Red Wine

Automated interference-free determination of total sulphites in red wine

Save time with fully automated Total SO2 measurement with the BioSystem Y15 Random Access Automatic analyser. Sulphites to preserve foods: The use of sulphites to preserve foods has been a regular practice in our culture for centuries. In wine, sulphite is a by-product of some fermentation reactions, but is also...
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Phosphate in Cola Drinks

Phosphate in cola drinks

Phosphoric acid (phosphate) concentration: When producing cola drinks it is important to follow the phosphoric acid (phosphate) concentration. Metrohm Process Analytics has various systems to monitor the phosphate concentration as at-line or on-line: At-Line: The at-line analyser system analyses phosphate concentration directly from the filled cans or bottles. Using the...
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The productive environmental laboratory

The productive environmental laboratory

How much can you save with automated sample preparation? In an exclusive white paper, Brad Meadow reports how BSK Labs meets common challenges such as comprehensive sample preparation using automated inline techniques. Such techniques with automated Inline Ultrafiltration being the most important have helped BSK labs save more than USD 30,000...
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Standard anions and organic acids in Bayer liquor in the alumina industry

Standard anions and organic acids in Bayer liquor in the alumina industry

Optimising the Bayer liquor process for efficient alumina extraction Aluminium remains a metal required in large quantities for manufacturing and building world-wide. Extraction of alumina from bauxite is achieved through the Bayer process, in simplified terms, dissolving bauxite in sodium hydroxide (Bayer liquor) at high temperatures and filtering off the...
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pH measurement. Are you getting it right?

pH measurement. Are you getting it right?

pH, its not quite as straight forward as it may seem. pH measurement is one of the first things we learn in science. Acid and base. Simple, right? Measurement of pH should be one of the easiest things to do in the lab. So why do so many get it...
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Electrochemistry Teaching & application kit focused on the determination of L-lactic acid in wine samples

Teaching & application kit focused on the determination of L-lactic acid in wine samples

Metrohm DropSens has released a comprehensive laboratory teaching kit focused on the determination of L-lactic acid in wine samples. Electrochemistry teaching & application kit focused on the determination of L-lactic acid in wine samples Lactate detection is of great importance in a wide variety of areas including the wine industry....
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