

Latest innovations in Ion Chromatography

Ion Chromatography Seminars and Workshops

Ion Chromatography Seminars and Workshops

Find out the latest in Ion Chromatography from MetrohmEvery year Metrohm Australia/New Zealand host a range of seminars and workshops.Come to a seminar to find out what new applications have been developed. What new instrumentation has been launched. Or the new features of the latest software release.
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Metrohm Application Database

Metrohm Application Database

A faster way to find the application you need.Finding the right application for your product and application is the key to an efficient laboratory. Once you have discovered the right application, finding the best instrument to perform it is, generally, much easier.Metrohm takes the hassle out of finding laboratory applications....
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Fast chromatography

Fast chromatography

More samples, less time, same accuracyEveryone wants faster analysis and higher sample throughput without having to invest in additional instrumentation. At the same time, no one wants higher detection limits.Metrohm’s robust columns allow for fast analysis of key analytes. Linking high capacity columns with high flow rates and eluent concentrations...
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Guaranteed Windows Compatibility

Guaranteed Windows Compatibility

Is MagIC Net Windows 10 compatible? Sure is. As more businesses move to Windows 10 platforms, it is important instrumentation software keeps up. Metrohm’s MagIC Net platform is already Windows 10 compatible. Available as a free update for those operating MagIC Net 2.0 to 3.1, MagIC Net 3.2 provides full...
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Ion Chromatography - A technique for all laboratories

Ion Chromatography – A technique for all laboratories

Improve the analytical possibilities of your laboratory Ion Chromatography can be a complex analytical technique with expensive and sensitive components. But it doesn’t need to be this way. The ECO IC from Metrohm is a simple, robust instrument for basic chromatography. Robust flow path 10 year anion suppressor warranty Low...
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Shutdown procedures

Shutdown procedures for ion chromatographs

Going away for the holidays? Make sure your IC will be read for you when you get back. Everyone needs a holiday. Shutdown procedures when on holidays For some laboratories that means the instruments get a break too. While some instruments require continuous operation to be ready when you get...
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Partial Loop Injection

Partial Loop Injection (Ion Chromatography)

Increase the flexibility of your IC. Analytical instruments are designed to run with sample concentrations in optimal windows and preferred matrices. Unfortunately, not all samples are created equal. If you have samples from a range of sources, you are likely to have concentrations and matrices over a wide range too....
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Ensuring accuracy in IC analysis

Ensuring accuracy in IC analysis

Prove your system is giving you the right results, beyond a doubt. How often do I need to calibrate my instrument? How do I know the results are accurate? These are questions we often hear when visiting customers new to using Ion Chromatography, and they are valid questions too. Using...
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Metrohm Software Care

Metrohm Software Care

Keep your software up to date and running faster. If it feels like your system is a little more sluggish than it used to be, you are probably right. If it seems to take forever to print a report, it probably does.  Computers and Touch Controls running our instruments, like...
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High-Low Calibration

High-Low Calibration

Extend your calibration range in your current method. Calibrating your IC accurately is one of the most important things you can do for accurate analysis. Calibrations should encompass the expected concentration range of your samples, include four or more calibrations points and have a correlation coefficient that is as close...
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Automated Matrix Elimination

Automated Matrix Elimination

Optimize your sample preparation with the minimum effort. While clean waters are the perfect sample for ion chromatography, samples requiring analysis are rarely nice enough to present this way. Samples from mining leachates, soils and chemical waste contain all sorts of things that are best kept away from a separation...
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Fats, proteins, oils and Ion Chromatography

Fats, proteins, oils and Ion Chromatography

Protein and IC, now with simple sample preparation. Fats, proteins and oils provide challenges for analysis with ion chromatography. Fats and oils generally mean a non-aqueous sample, and all sample must be aqueous. Proteins provide a challenge by blocking columns and being difficult to filter. Historically, these samples either have...
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