
Teaching and Research

To shape a sustainable world for future generations, research and teaching in chemistry needs to stay in the vanguard of developments.

Metrohm, together with its parent companies, recognize the tremendous importance of your mission, providing you with up-to-date scientific applications, research results and developments. This makes Metrohm your partner of choice when it comes to chemistry teaching and research.

Metrohm provides a significant range of scientific applications, methods, teaching instruments and research instruments. Manufactured by the most renowned companies in their field, the instruments are not only sold and serviced by Metrohm but customers in Australia and New Zealand can tap into the vast knowledge and experience of the world’s leading scientists using Metrohm’s on location support and service.

Service: Remote Support via Internet

Service: Remote Support via Internet

Just imagine, you are busy working in the laboratory and would like to start an analysis that your customer is urgently waiting for, and then it happens: the system reports a problem that you cannot immediately resolve. Help is just a few keystrokes away. MEP’s Remote Support is available for...
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Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) basics explained

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) basics explained

Small footprint and modularity: the PGSTAT204 combines compactness with superior, research grade specifications. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy or EIS is a powerful technique for the characterisation of electrochemical systems. The promise of EIS is that, with a single experimental procedure encompassing a sufficiently broad range of frequencies, the influence of the...
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