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Is my sieve still good? A detailed look at appropriate care and maintenance of woven mesh analytical test sieves

Is my sieve still good?

Test sieves are analytical instruments and should be carefully treated as such before, during and after sieving. Is my sieve still good? A detailed look at appropriate care and maintenance of woven mesh analytical test sieves We recommend that, before new sieves are used for the first time, they are...
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Which particle sizing technique should I use? A detailed look into the current techniques. Comparing sieve shaking, laser sizing and dynamic image analysis

Which particle sizing technique should I use?

Which particle sizing technique should I use? A detailed look into the current techniques. Comparing sieve shaking, laser sizing and dynamic image analysis   Sieve Analysis Sieve Analysis is traditional and widely used method of particle sizing particles between 20um and 125mm. Before laser sizing and dynamic Image analysis were...
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Reducing plant power consumption with FC Bond index testing. An introduction to the new range of Retsch testing equipment.

Reducing plant power consumption with FC Bond index testing

Reducing plant power consumption with FC Bond index testing. Around half the energy used in most material processing plants is consumed in grinding. An introduction to the new range of Retsch testing equipment. Usually power consumption is the single biggest operating cost item and good energy utilisation is critical to...
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Fats, proteins, oils and Ion Chromatography

Fats, proteins, oils and Ion Chromatography

Protein and IC, now with simple sample preparation. Fats, proteins and oils provide challenges for analysis with ion chromatography. Fats and oils generally mean a non-aqueous sample, and all sample must be aqueous. Proteins provide a challenge by blocking columns and being difficult to filter. Historically, these samples either have...
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One application today, another tomorrow

One application today, another tomorrow

Limited to one application on your IC? Not here!  Instrumentation is a big investment for any laboratory, so you want to get as much out of your instrument as possible. While some laboratories have high enough throughput to dedicate instruments to a specific applications, many do not. Which makes flexibility...
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Maintaining your Metrohm IC

Maintaining your Metrohm IC

Keep your instrument in optimum working order. Maintaining your precision instrumentation has many parallels with maintaining your car. We perform a number of small maintenance procedures throughout the year. With certified service engineers performing major maintenance and calibrations on an annual or six monthly basis. Users of Metrohm IC, will...
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Workshops: Food and Beverage Analysis in the Modern Laboratory

Workshops: Food and Beverage Analysis in the Modern Laboratory

Metrohm Australia / New Zealand has the pleasure of inviting you to our workshop – Food and Beverage Analysis in the Modern Laboratory. Experience firsthand the power behind the instruments and methods and benefit from our experts sharing their in-depth knowledge. We probably don’t need to emphasise the importance of...
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Identification of structurally very similar sugars using a portable Raman spectrometer

Identification of structurally very similar sugars using a portable Raman spectrometer

Raman is a fast alternative to the typically performed HPLC, FT-IR, colorimetric, and time consuming wet chemical identification of structurally similar sugars. Metrohm true handheld Raman spectrometer is perfectly capable of identifying of sugars such as D-galactose, D-glucose, D-maltose, D-mannose, D-sorbitol, fructose, sucrose and inositol. Rapid and non-destructive determination takes...
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Surfactants Analysis and Pharmaceuticals

Surfactants analysis and pharmaceuticals

Which titration suits your requirements best? Surfactant analysis does not follow the standard titration application profile. Anionic surfactant, cation surfactant, non-ionic surfactant, dual-phase titration; each has it’s own intricacy and fine-tuning. It is enough to make your head spin. Where do you start for the best analysis method? How do...
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Quantification of USP heparin units using near-infrared spectroscopy

Quantification of USP heparin units using near-infrared spectroscopy

Correlation plot of the predicted Heparin sodium product strength by NIRS versus the laboratory values. Displayed are the training data (blue) and validation data (turquois). Heparin is a glycosaminoglycan used as an anticoagulant for therapeutic uses. It can either be used directly for humans given by injection or used as...
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Trace analysis of Perchlorate in drinking water

Trace analysis of perchlorate in drinking water

Keeping our kids safe and healthy Low levels of perchlorate in our diet will have little short-term effect for healthy adults. For children, however, the negative effect on brain development can be considerable. Perchlorate directly effects the uptake of iodine by the thyroid. In adults, this can have an effect...
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In situ SERS effect with screen-printed silver electrodes

In situ SERS effect with screen-printed silver electrodes

Metal screen-printed electrodes are promising, cost-effective SERS substrates. Metrohm Dropsens White Paper: In this white paper Alejandro Junquera Pérez, Pablo Fanjul Bolado, David Hernàndez Santos demonstrate the time resolved Raman spectroelectrochemistry measurements with screen-printed electrodes. The instrument used combines in a totally integrated box: a 785 nm laser source, a...
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