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Are you contaminating your sample from your grinding tools?

Are you contaminating your sample from your grinding tools?

Reliable and accurate analysis results can only be guaranteed by reproducible sample preparation. This consists of transforming a laboratory sample into a representative part sample with homogeneous analytical fineness. Retsch offers a comprehensive range of the most modern mills and crushers for coarse, fine and ultra-fine size reduction of almost...
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The art of milling, the importance of correct sampling and dividing

The Art of Milling: the importance of correct sampling and dividing

A faultless and comparable analysis is closely linked to an accurate sample handling. Only a sample representative of the initial material can provide meaningful analysis results. Rotating dividers and rotary tube dividers are an important means to ensure the representativeness of a sample and thus the reproducibility of the analysis....
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The new player in high throughput Retsch XL!

The new player in high throughput: Retsch XL

The new player in high throughput: Retsch XL! The Jaw Crusher BB 600 XL is used for rapid, effective, crushing and pre-crushing of medium-hard, hard, brittle and tough materials. Up to 3,500 Kg per hour! Due to the low installation height (1 m), the BB 600 XL is ideally suited...
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Alkalinity in drinking water

Alkalinity in drinking water

Public water supplies are vital resources and rather costly infrastructures.  High alkalinity concentrations in drinking water cause scale deposition in the water distribution system. As a consequence this scaling entails rather extensive and costly maintenance issues for the municipalities. Keeping the alkalinity in the desired range and thus minimising maintenance...
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Total Antimony and Total Arsenic in mining waters online

Total Antimony and Total Arsenic in mining waters online

Stability tests for total As and total Sb measurements Online monitoring of various waters carries many benefits. Besides of making results continuously available, it also pays off financially. Savings can be significant when compared to other methods. Total Antimony (Sb) and Total Arsenic (As) We just completed an extensive survey...
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Non-aqueous titrations

Non-aqueous titrations, simplified

Cleaning electrodes getting you down? Relax, the Solvotrode easyClean is here to help. Non-aqueous titrations have a habit of producing gluggy, gelatinous messes that take forever to clean from an electrode. For regular non-aqueous electrodes this means blocked membranes and low electrolyte flow, which in turn leads to slow responses,...
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Moisture in a lyophilized pharmaceutical by near-infrared spectroscopy

Moisture in lyophilized pharmaceuticals by near-infrared spectroscopy

Metrohm near-infrared spectrometer in diffuse reflection mode is ideal for determining the residual moisture in a lyophilized pharmaceutical product. Analysis of residual moisture in a lyophilised pharmaceutical product by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) Quantification of residual moisture in lyophilised parenteral products is an important measurement in the pharmaceutical industry. Analyses are...
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The Mira DS was developed in close cooperation with professional first responders.

Mira DS Raman for first responders

Metrohm is pleased to present the Mira DS, a new handheld material identification system for police, hazmat teams, bomb technicians, and military personnel. At the push of a button, the Mira DS identifies illicit substances and explosives. The Mira DS was developed in close cooperation with professional first responders. While...
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Copper in drinking water by voltammetry

Copper in drinking water by voltammetry

The Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, published by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Natural Resource Management Ministerial Council are an authoritative Australian reference on good quality drinking water. The Guidelines are regularly reviewed by the NHMRC in consultation with the general community, health bodies, water suppliers,...
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Automated Turbidity

Automated Turbidity

No more manual analysis. Turbidity the smarter way. What is the worst thing about turbidity analysis? It can’t be automated. Great news, now it can. Metrohm automation for turbidity is now here to make life in the lab easier. Hardware: Metrohm 855 Robotic Titroprocessor, 814 and 815 Sample processors can...
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Monitoring sugar in air filter samples

Monitoring sugar in air filter samples

Sugar and air quality, they have more in common than you think! Air quality is important to all of us. Often, we see images of cities overseas shrouded in smog and realise how lucky we are to live in a place that has good quality air. We have this luxury...
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Inline monitoring of water content in naphtha fractions by NIRS

Inline monitoring of water content in naphtha fractions by NIRS

Crude oil, which consists of at least 500 different components, is processed by fractionation and refining to produce liquefied gas, gasoline, diesel, heating fuel, and lubricants as well as a large variety of other products. As the «lubricant» of the global economy, it covers approximately 33% of our energy demand...
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