
DNA hybridisation and power devices such as fuel cells and batteries are driven by electrochemical processes. Electrochemistry traces the electronic pathways of these natural phenomena and mechanical circuits. Drawing on almost 30 years of experience, Metrohm provides precise measurement solutions for these diverse fields.

Our expertise ranges from traditional electro-analysis methods such as polarography to hyphenated modern techniques including spectro-electrochemistry. Metrohm Autolab launched the first computer controlled digital potentiostat/galvanostat and we have gone on to earn a global reputation for innovation, modularity, accuracy, and advanced software. Our products provide you with a variety of measurement tools, from screen-printed electrodes to complete analysis systems.

  • Autolab Potentiostats & Galvanostats
  • Cyclic voltammetric stripping (CVS)
  • Voltammetry for trace analysis