Salt analysis. Fast. Reliable.

Salt analysis. Fast. Reliable.

The effects of high salt intake on blood pressure and general health make monitoring salt a must for all food manufacturers.

When salt is discussed, in relation to food, the sodium content is really of concern.

For large scale contract labs, this can easily be analysed by AAS or ICP, however these techniques require staff with analytical backgrounds and relatively high operation costs.

Smaller food producers or large-scale manufacturers without a large laboratory have opted for a simple titration using silver nitrate to analyse salt. While this titration has been recognised as the titration method for salt analysis over a long period, it is actually an accurate representation of chloride, not of sodium.

Metrohm provide a cheap, fast sodium analysis with the Titrotherm titration system. The Titrotherm analyses sodium specifically. As the instrument utilises Metrohm’s proven Dosino for titration and a solid-state probe, maintenance requirements are low. Even better, the nature of thermometric titration means that the analysis is often faster than a typical chloride titration!

Are you really interested in the salt content of your product, or should you be looking at the sodium content?

Questions? Contact us

 Application Note AN-P-086: Determination of sodium in potato chips


 Food PAC 

    Metrohm Australia/New Zealand

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